Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beginning of Summer

Okay so much for writing more often... In my defense, I've been done school for about a week now! I got some really good news in my last week at school; I got accepted to the Dragon Boating team and to the Peer Support Program. Peer Support is a program helping year 9s transition from intermediate to high school. With Peer Support I will attend year 9 camp and from what my friends have told me, it sounds like a lot of fun!

Other fun things that I've gotten up to lately have been paint balling and kayaking with the other International Students at Pakuranga College. Although I did get some pretty disgusting bruises paint balling was really really fun! The rest of my team were all German and during the heat of the game they all began yelling in German to each other... so most of the time I was shooting blind!

 Getting a little intense...

I also went a tour of Eden Park (home stadium to the All Blacks). My Rotary Club organized a tour of Eden Park as it has just been redone for the 2011 Rugby World Cup.

In the All Blacks showers!
I'm heading off to the South Island for a 3 week tour with the other Rotary Exchange Students on Sunday. I reckon I'll have heaps of stories to share after that trip!

1 comment:

  1. You don't look all that embarassed to be in the dressing room of the All Blacks...Your Uncle Wes would love to be there with you I'm sure....
